Top 5 Wednesday|Sept. 21st|The Switch.


Characters You WOULDN’T Want to Trade Places With:

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1.) Katniss Everdeen – The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. 

Of course number one has to be Katniss! I don’t think I would
be able to survive in that world. It’s too CRAZY!! I would probably be
living underground, in some sort of jail, or dead, because I wouldn’t
want to follow any of their stupid rules. Kudos to Katniss for standing
up when no one else would…Good for you girl! You. Go. Girl! 

2.) Melinda Sordino – Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson.

I do love this book, but it just shows you how shitty people can 
be. People treated her like crap over something SO petty…Oh wow, 
she called the cops and broke up our party…Oh No… 🙄 Get over 
Yourselves!! She had a good reason to call, and I wish everyone 
would just take their heads out of their asses. I wouldn’t be
able to take all that shit from all of those people. I would
have probably gone to jail for murder haha! 😉

3.) Susie Salmon – The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold.

I would be dead…End of story.

4.) Kathy or Ruth – Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro.

I wouldn’t be able to handle it. Knowing that I was just born to
be body parts for someone else…Too Scary, and too weird. I would
probably ALWAYS be on the run. I would have to live 
Then again, they probably have all kinds of 
tracking on! 😐

5.) Rhea Farrell – How Many Letter Are In Goodbye.

I’m sorry but that girl is a total mess! I do feel bad that she lost
her parents, but I just feel like she was doing everything wrong.
She ended up being homeless, and I don’t think I would be
about to do all the stuff that her and Sergei were doing.
It’s too dangerous out there! I would be scared 24/7!

*Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme created by GingerReadsLainey,  and is now hosted by ThoughtsOnTomes. To find out more/Join, check out the Top 5 Wednesday Goodreads group here

27 thoughts on “Top 5 Wednesday|Sept. 21st|The Switch.

  1. Great post! Haha way deeper than most, but I liked it. I agree, by the sounds of it, I wouldn’t want to trade places with any of these people either, even though I haven’t read any of these books. And the whole body part thing…I don’t even know what to think about that, I would be so weirded out. The odds must not be in those peoples favor.

  2. Awesome list! I didn’t think of Melinda but it would totally suck to be put in her shoes, and same as you, I would probably not be able to take that much shit from other people.

  3. Fantastic list , i have only read Hunger games amongst the list though , and gotta agree those rules would be unbearable to follow

  4. Apparently EVERYONE except me thought of Katniss .. I feel like I let myself down. But I love your list in general. I mean the comment on Susie was just brilliant AND super accurate. And yeah, no switching with Rhea with me either. I honestly couldn’t stand it.

    1. Haha! I hoped my Susie comment came off funny and not morbid! 🙂

      Don’t worry about it. I feel like I did think of a lot of people that deserve to be on this list! 🙂

  5. Definitely agree with not wanting to be Katniss! I think I won’t even last 2 hours, I’ll be one of the first ones to die while getting supplies. LOL. 😀

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