Top Ten Tuesday|October 25th|Halloween Freebie.


Halloween Related Freebie:


  1. Let The Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist.
  2. The Murmurings by Carly Anne West.
  3. Coraline by Neil Gaiman.
  4. We Have Always Lived In The Castle by Shirley Jackson.
  5. Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk.
  6. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.

Movies/TV Shows:
Image result for penny dreadful poster Image result for The Craft poster Image result for Sweeney Todd poster
Image result for coraline movie poster Image result for The Halloween Tree movie poster Image result for Addams Family Values movie poster

  1. Penny Dreadful.
  2. The Craft.
  3. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street.
  4. Coraline.
  5. The Halloween Tree.
  6. Addams Family Values.

Image result for halloween costume dw meme These are so great! I can’t wait for Halloween!
 Image result for mortal kombat cosplay

  1. D.W. Read – Arthur.
  2. Adam & Barbara Maitland – Beetlejuice.
  3. Lock, Shock, & Barrel – The Nightmare Before Christmas.
  4. Mileena – Mortal Kombat.

*Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme

hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

52 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday|October 25th|Halloween Freebie.

  1. What a great list! Those costumes are epic.

    I was obsessed with The Craft for such a long time. Maybe it’s time for a rewatch. And We Have Always Lived In The Castle! That book introduced me to the awesome Shirley Jackson.

  2. Great list. I love how you included a number of different elements into it. I’m going to have to check out some of those books and movies for sure.

  3. I literally screamed when I saw that Halloween Tree! I watched that every year when I was a kid. I feel like I should’ve read Coraline by now. I had a copy a long time ago, but I have no idea what happened to it.

    Great List!

  4. Let the Right One In and Coraline are a couple of my favorites! I also really need to start watching Penny Dreadful – it sounds exactly like something I’d like! 🙂 Plus, that Barbara and Adam costume is pretty great!

    Lauren @ Always Me

  5. so many great things on your list 🙂
    I love your movie and tv picks. I watched the first season of Penny Dreadful and really want to watch the next one, I loved all the strange characters.

  6. I love the films and TV shows that you’ve chosen! I love Addams Family Values and Sweeney Todd. They’re two of my favourite films.

    Thanks for visiting my post earlier 🙂

  7. Coraline is definitely creepy, as is the movie! Let the Right One In was a great movie, I never read the book. I wouldn’t have thought of The Bell Jar but it’s one of my favorite books. Happy Halloween!

  8. Half of these books are also on my TBR! I have The Bell Jar and I’m thrilled to read it.
    I hope you enjoy them too. And great selection of costumes.

  9. Great list! And I love your blog background right now. 🙂 Those costumes on your list kind of freak me out. We Have Always Lived in the Castle is such a creepy, fantastic book!

  10. CORALINE! I can’t believe I forgot that one, I love it but it scared me so much when my 3rd grade teacher read it out loud to us haha

    – Kritika

  11. I watched part of Sweeney Todd but never finished it! Whoops. Also I loved the Coraline movie, but I heard it’s kind of different from the book. Have you read it? I’ve also always wanted to read The Bell Jar, but I have no idea whether I’ll enjoy it or not!

    Awesome list!

  12. OMG those costumes are TOO fun! I love them! I haven’t read any of the books OR watched any of the things except for Addams Family Values (and that was literally decades ago haha) so I need to step up my game. Awesome list, I love that you used so many different categories!

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