Top 5 Wednesday|August 10th, 2016.


Authors You Are Waiting on Another Book From.

1.) Sarah Dessen.
I’m almost done reading all of her books that are out now,
and let me just say, I have loved every single last one of them!
She is an amazing storyteller, and most if not all of her characters
are complex and likable. If you haven’t had the chance to read any
of her books, you need to stop what you are reading, and pick
one of Sarah’s books up NOW! Go!

2.) Jandy Nelson.
This is another author who knows what she is doing! I’ve read
both of her books, and LOVED them! I think out of the two, I’ll Give
You The Sun is my favorite, but they are both worth the time
money. I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next!

(c) Kate Neil Photography
3.) Paula Hawkins.
This woman has single handedly turned me on to mysteries/thrillers.
I never in a million years, would think that
I would actually enjoy reading
these kinds of books. The Girl On The 
Train would have to be the best
book I have read so far this year! I 
can’t wait to see what else
Paula has up her sleeve! 🙂

4.) Nicola Yoon.
Luckily for me, I don’t have to wait much longer for Nicola’s 
next book!!! I am SO excited. I LOVED her first book Everything
Everything, and I’m hoping and praying I love this new book
just as much. I am gagging over both the Title and the book
cover. They are both equally amazing!! 😀

5.) Kody Keplinger.
This might be cheating seeing as she already has a new book
out, but I still haven’t got my hands on a copy, so I am adding her
to my list anyway! I LOVED The Duff, and I have a feeling that I 
will love all of her other books! I need to buy more of her books! 😀

*Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme created by GingerReadsLainey,  and is now hosted by ThoughtsOnTomes. To find out more/Join, check out the Top 5 Wednesday Goodreads group here

34 thoughts on “Top 5 Wednesday|August 10th, 2016.

      1. I’m planning on asking for I’ll Give You The Sun for a Christmas gift from my parents. Fingers crossed that I’d get it! 🙂

  1. well similar to you I have only ever read the works of Paula Hawkins , i.e the girl on the train , Meanwhile I have seen the movie Duff is that the same from the book? i barely ever read any romance novel , read a few and often times i get recommended a few so no surprise i haven’t read any book you mention , but great T5W , i always try to be concise like you have done here but i always fail

  2. Jandy Nelson would definitely be on my list as well. I’ll Give You the Sun is such a phenomenal, beautiful read and I LOVE her writing. She writes such touching stories. I think she has a book in the works, so I’m very excited for that one. Haven’t read the Duff but I LOVED the movie. xD

    ~ Aimal @ Bookshelves & Paperbacks

  3. Have yet to read anything by all of the authors, but I’ll Give you the Sun is high on my TBR! Great list! xx

  4. I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t read a single book by any of these authors, oops! However, I hear such amazing things about ‘I’ll Give You The Sun’ that it seems inevitable I will pick up a Jandy Nelson book soon. 🙂

    PS- Loving the use of that Emma Stone gif!

  5. Omg! I totally forgot about Kody Keplinger! 😦 I loved her Shut Out novel, and since I couldn’t seem to read DUFF, I want more from her, and hopefully somewhat similar to Shut Out.

  6. I really enjoyed reading I’ll Give You The Sun at the beginning of this year with my best friend who also loved it. I have Everything, Everything & plan on reading it very soon because I read the synopsis to her new book & it just seems right up my alley + that cover is AMAZING! I plan on reading The Girl On The train this fall with all my other thrillers lol. Awesome Picks! 🙂

  7. Great list! You must be a big contemporary reading😊 I loved Nicole Yoons debut novel, Everything Everything and cannot wait for her new release!

  8. I’m thinking I really need to pick up Everything Everything soon, as I’ve seen so many people recommend it lately, and I have yet to read it. The Duff was such an amazing story, and I also can’t wait to read more from Kody Keplinger. Great post!

  9. I should get on to reading The Girl On The Train soon! I’ve heard the title being repeated so many times but I always skip it for other books at the store. maybe next time 🙂 and I will check on Sarah Dessen lol!

  10. Awesome choice! I have not read The Duff but I’ve watched it and totally loved it! Is it a lot different from the book?

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