The Friday 56|#19 Weird Girl and What’s His Name.


24694256Book: Weird Girl and What’s His Name by Meagan Brothers.

Synopsis: In the Podunk town of Hawthorne, North Carolina, high school geeks Lula and Rory share everything—sci-fi and fantasy fandom, an obsession with old X-Files episodes, and that feeling that they’ll never quite fit in. Lula and Rory have no secrets from each other; after all, she knows he’s gay, and he understands why she worships the mother that walked out on her. But then Lula discovers that Rory has not only tried out for the football team, but has been having an affair with his middle-aged divorcee boss. With their friendship disrupted, Lula begins to question her very identity, and when she disappears in the middle of the night, Rory is left to survive on his own.

The Rules:

  1. Grab a book, any book.
  2. Turn to page 56 or 56% in you E-Reader. (If you have to improvise, that’s okay.)
  3. Find any sentence, (or few, just don’t spoil it)
  4. Post it.
  5. Add your URL post below in the Linky. (Add the post URL, not your blog URL.)


The 56:

“Okay.” Lula said, her mouth turned down. “Have fun doing other stuff.”
Thankfully my mother came home at that very moment, and Lula always got uncomfortable around her. She hated drinking. Lula, I mean. So she left without me having to make any more excuses.

*The Friday 56 is a Weekly Meme hosted by Freda’s Voice.

17 thoughts on “The Friday 56|#19 Weird Girl and What’s His Name.

  1. So I’m confused. Does the last line of the synopsis contain a typo? I thought Rory was a boy, but the last line says “Rory is left to survive on her own”. It’s like that on Goodreads too.

    Then there’s the question of are they high school age or older? Vagueness like this sometimes drives me away and sometimes makes me read the book so I can get answers.

  2. Interesting! The characters have such unique names too. I’m going to add this to my “books to check out” list. 🙂

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